개발과 관련된 글을 적습니다. Node.js Meteor React 외에도 개념, 디자인패턴 소프트웨어 공학적인 부분들을 다룹니다.
- [Algorithms] 5.2 Huffman encoding
- [Algorithms] 5.1 Minimum spanning trees
- [Algorithms] Part 05. Greedy algorithms
- [Algorithms] 4.7 Shortest paths in dags
- [Algorithms] 4.6 Shortest paths in the presence of negative edges
- [Algorithms] 4.5 Priority queue implementations
- [Algorithms] 4.4 Dijkstra algorithms
- [Algorithms] 4.3 Lengths on edges
- [Algorithms] 4.2 Breadth-first search
- [Algorithms] 4.1 Distances
- [Algorithms] 3.4 Strongly connected components
- [Algorithms] 3.3 Depth-first search in directed graphs
- [Algorithms] 3.2 Depth-first search in undirected graphs
- [Algorithms] 3.1 Why graphs?
- [Algorithms] 2.5 Matrix multiplication
- [Algorithms] 2.4 Medians
- [Algorithms] 2.3 Mergesort
- [Algorithms] 2.2 Recurrence relations
- [Algorithms] 2.1 Multiplication
- [Algorithms] Part 02. Divide-and-conquer algorithms